Irina routine
Hello, my cousin names is Irina.
She lives in Madrid Spain but was born in Colombia.
She is 35 years old, single, lives in an apartment for university, is very smart, simple and noble.
His daily routine begins at 6 o'clock in the morning, he rises from his bed, brush your teeth, and arranges her room.
At 6:30 in the morning bathing, at 6:45 is arranged, at seven o'clock leaves home for work. She works in a family caring about children.
When you get your work manages children, at 7:45 leads to your garden.
In morning manages the house, wash clothes, sweep and makes lunch.
At 3 pm picks up the kids in the garden, give them lunch, help them do homework, play with them and at 5 goes to college to study.
Study from 6 to 9 pm, makes a master of psycologia.
Leaving study, eat, prepare your clothes for the next day.
At 11 pm college do their jobs and go to bed type 1 or 2 in the morning.
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